Magic weapon

Magic weapon

Wearing shoes, the toes can move freely so, I am afraid only Vibram five fingers can do, this new design of sports shoes, the inspiration is from the common market to the toe socks. Japanese people: "I feel like barefoot in the running shoes are very obedient, almost feel the shoes on their feet." These shoes are not only very flexible, padded toes bottom lines, can reduce the toes touch the ground impact, quite suitable for people who love running.

The current product line of footwear is extremely rich, particularly severe competition in the industry, marketing, brand begins with the first wave of fighting the war began, and slowly spread to the advertising and brand extension. The industry price war led to confusion and uneven, the current footwear competition, who should quickly expand the market share, will come to dominate the market and win market. With five finger shoes sales in particular, war upgrades, brand warfare has gradually replaced the competitive price war as the primary strategy, it is particularly important to increase brand awareness. Vibram Five Fingers look for the market, focus on brand marketing campaign walk in the forefront of the industry, this is it an invaluable asset.

Source post the article on 4 May.2011

Par wudi1 le mercredi 04 mai 2011


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