Innovative design and enjoy a healthy

Innovative design and enjoy a healthy

According to the survey, companies are now producing more than five fingers shoes to form a special brand of shoes, fingers and even fewer companies. So, now the fingers did not form on the shoe market system, production and sales base is extensive mode, Vibram Five Fingers to fill the gaps in the market, thriving in the market, basically there is no scale competitors.

Five Finger shoes of the consumer base is young, "80" 30% of total sales of consumers, "90" consumer group more than 55% of total sales, "After 00" accounts for about 5%, other consumer accounted for 5% of the brand positioning is basically a younger consumer groups, basically mid-price level targeting. With economic development, social progress, fashion and health of consumers have higher requirements, but also easy to live with Five Finger shoes good quality, novel design, strong brand, market quite well.

Come join me in sharing information on foot care, foot health knowledge, does, indeed, in everyday life, people may pay great attention to the face, fingers and other maintenance, but very few people care and maintenance of foot. Experts said that foot health is directly related spleen and stomach health, and foot massage, leisure is the best release of pressure, the best way to relax.

Source post the article on 10 May.2011

Par wudi1 le mercredi 11 mai 2011


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