Christian Louboutin show cute and sexy

Christian Louboutin show cute and sexy Exquisite diamond-studded bow fish head sexy sandals, flowers, candy-colored diamond bow sandals sexy fish head, whether it is fresh and lovely dress or feminine Japanese mature ladies, can make LOVELY atmosphere reached out, there is a sense of great shows! So ladies all love the Christian Louboutin, just like ballet shoes soft and comfortable, you can feel comfortable wearing a charming touch. Small ornate gold buckle design, meticulous style taste to point out the girl close.Sweet design of Christian Louboutin shoes showing a handsome, with the ultra-perfect height, your legs stretched moment curve presents the most perfect body. Fat elegance, restrained style, with dancing wings adds visual sense. Slightly shiny patent leather, bright fabrics, making the overall shape is outstanding. Bright colors bright, quite retro temperament, sense of shoes line smooth, without too much modification, heel design gives a stable sense of a matte finish as well as a little atmosphere. Declaration can also be very sexy, feminine gentle sweet, super-thick crust model supermodel runway scale, is absolutely beautiful petite attention immediately grabbed the audience's secret weapon.Source post the article on June 7, 2011.
Par wudi1 le mercredi 08 juin 2011


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