All Adidas

All Adidas
Adidas shoes2011 latest quarter commercials "All Adidas" invited to participate in shooting the stars. David "stars David Beckham, the Chicago Bulls Derrick Rose and Notre Dame Football team players, but please joins the popular singer Katy Perry.
Advertising the film, Katy Perry was wearing a yellow vest and black and white vertical stripes, sports full range of children! Behind the scenes where, Katy Perry said this is her second time on Adidas advertising photography, this is the
adidas outlet designer partners and invited her to participate in, and her favorite designer is also the devil designer Jeremy Scott.
Speaking favorite dress Style, Katy Perry, said: "I prefer the kind of a little cartoon-style, punk rock, cute, or what the Nordic style."
Source posts the article on July 6, 2011.
Par wudi1 le mercredi 06 juillet 2011


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