14 boutiques opened in succession

14 boutiques opened in succession
Pleased to announce the first
coach outlet opened in Paris, formally entered the European markets. Interior design entirely by Coach Architecture Group surgeon completed. Decor reflects the material aspects with Coach's signature style, walnut herringbone parquet flooring and decorated with exquisite details of the white round stones Carrera marble tiles with matching white wall plate with custom molding plate and set the shelf, placed inside a unique mirror effect finish nickel shelf, a number of works of art and custom furniture.
To celebrate the opening of an area of ​​1,700 square feet of shops, Coach will be launched in September by a Paris spring, the exclusive department store sales coach bags series. By then, Coach Brand will showcase exclusive of PCD, the "Paris of New York" theme will highlight the fall of New York Coach charming city. The next three years will have 14 boutiques opened in succession, all the
coach factory outlet by the Coach and department co-creation of the spring.

Sourcehttp://www.coachbagsstores.com posts the article on July 6, 2011.
Par wudi1 le mercredi 06 juillet 2011


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