Creative design brings happiness

Creative design brings happiness

Whether boys or girls, from sneakers to high heels, slippers and even less than you think have a variety of stunning design, or complex or a glance, can see when you smile. Vibram Five Fingers  take a look at the design ideas now!

First, of course, it features 5 separate toes, and different from most of the popular will toe shoes are not separated in such shoes, the toe of the mobile space is not great, by the shoes of the space constraints, the external forces under the action of most of the vast majority of the force will be concentrated in the Bigfoot thumb. Put on a pair of interesting Five Finger shoes., you can walk a very balanced and safe to maintain the correct posture feet, 5 toes can feel the body sensitive to the action, adjust the posture of the body to maintain proper walking posture, even Walking further avoid back pain and other diseases caused by incorrect posture.

Vibram Five Fingers sale of European fashion colors, the use of wear-resistant non-slip soles are made of polyamide material surface, pure leather upper with exquisite hand-made process, the personalized toe ---- five "toes "Not only can stimulate the soles of the feet muscles, promote blood circulation, but also to improve the scope of activities, especially suitable for hiking, climbing, fitness and other sports, is the world's only like walking barefoot can provide endless joy to bring.

Source post the article on 12 April.2011

Par wudi1 le mardi 12 avril 2011


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